We’re sorry you're having issues with your order delivery. Let's fix it together!
If you believe your package is lost in transit:
- Contact the carrier that last had your package.
- For free shipping this could be DHL or USPS.
- 8 days may pass with no shipping update due to transit times and carrier scanning method.
- If it has been more than 8 days with no update, please reach out to our Customer Experience Team for further assistance.
If your tracking says delivered from the carrier:
- Check your mailbox as well as areas around your front door or mailroom.
- Check with the carrier.*
- Check with neighbors to see if they have your order, it could have been delivered next door.
- Still can't find your package?
- If your package still hasn't turned up in 48 hours, please reach out to our Customer Experience Team for further assistance.
Please contact us within 7 days of your package being marked as delivered.
*If your package shipped through DHL, then USPS was the last leg of delivery and should be contacted for packages marked delivered